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Hello and welcome to our website.


We are Teigh O’Neill and Callum Williams of... 



To meet some of the cats and navigate the site, please click on one of the links at the Top of the page.


Find our lates news on our "News" page, there we will add the latest show results, our upcoming events and other news about our cats. 


Have a look arround the website and find out more for yourself...


Who We Are and What We Do:

All Dollvine cats are breed with quality and health in mind. All of our cats are from HCM tested lines and healthy parents. Each cat is an individual with pet names and pedigree names and are deffinitly part of the family. The Kittens that are born in our home are all use to and surounded by us and the genural day to day activities of the house. We take pride in our cats and our home and beleve that a healthy cat is a happy cat. We make sure our cats are all socialised, even if that just means cuddles whilst we are watching the TV. 


Our cats are not only beautiful in our eyes they are also beautiful on the show bench too with many Champions and Grand Champions in our Cattery. We only breed from our best cats to try to ensure what we produce we are happy with.


Our cattery is currently home to Tabby and Tortie, Colour Point, Bi-Colour, and Mitted Cats in Red, Seal and Blue. Some of our cats also carrie the Chocolate Gene - We hope to soon have visual Chocolates and Lilacs.


Thank you for reading and once again,

WELCOME to....


Dollvine Ragdolls.




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